This Scorpio Season is quite a strong one. In addition to the normal fervor of such an intense sign as Scorpio, and the stunning retrograde of Mars at the end of October, there are two eclipses, the second of which is extremely powerful, with the entire season featuring Saturn closely square Uranus. On 23 October, as the Sun enters Scorpio, Saturn stations to direct motion, dead still in the sky, increasing its potency. Then the New Moon eclipse of October 25th makes for a dynamic fresh start with everything, especially our relationships. Saturn, located in Aquarius, implies limitation and careful consideration, and this contrasts with Uranus, occupying the very same degree of Taurus as Saturn does in Aquarius. Uranus is all about striking out for new horizons without a care in the world. Seminal 20th century astrologer Jeffrey Wolf Green termed Uranus “freedom from the known.” This planetary archetype is diametrically opposed to that of Saturn, representing the limitations of staying within the known, together with the fear of jumping the tracks of existing patterns; and this is even though this type of dramatic breakthrough is often a requirement for growth.
The transformational effects of strongly-placed Pluto, in Capricorn, are also evidenced in this rather amazing next thirty days, as is philosophy, learning, artistic creativity, values, and relationship with key partners. All these life factors are coming into evolutionary pressure for new and uncertain growth. The question we will be asking ourselves is how to evaluate the twin options of forging ahead anyway, in spite of our fear of the unknown, versus holding steady and resisting the urge to strike out into new psychological territory. With the lunar eclipse and Full Moon of 8 November, we reach the tipping point, with consequences for spiritual progress lasting to the end of the year, and beyond. The advice is to hang on tight and pay careful attention, because you recognize that the stakes are extremely high right now. Be sure that you are doing what is right – for you – and then go ahead!
ARIES (20 Mar. – 19 Apr.). This is an exciting season for you Aries, with plenty of optimism., and yet also divisiveness and transformational readjustment. Toward the end of October, internal voices speak to you not loudly but with considerable quiet force. Then Mars, your ruler, retrogrades, pulling you further toward the inside of your mind. A week or so later come the big fireworks of the total lunar eclipse of 8 November, when a strong impulse to eliminate previous limitations runs up against powerful corrective fears of anything that goes too wild, too far. No way to know how that inner struggle will ultimately resolve itself, so pay careful attention.
TAURUS (20 Apr. – 19 May). This is a season of delayed intensity, Taurus. You are rather fully invested in relationship agreements from its very beginning, along with managing joint resources. An inner impulsiveness continues to rule your personal decisions as a counter to partner requests. With the very powerful lunar eclipse and Full Moon of 8 November comes a great deal of tension. Which will finally win out? The choices are staying the course and remaining on task, or shooting off into the wild blue yonder as your heart might equally dictate. Only time will tell, although you will want to listen to your intuition.
GEMINI (20 May – 20 Jun.). This is an active season for you, Gemini, with also plenty of intuitional information coming at you. The hidden places within your psyche have been showing up lately, and loving attention goes a long way toward healing any issues that arise. What is being invoked are your beliefs and worldview. You are very committed now to change, and yet holding on. All this becomes incredibly intense in the personal transformation of the end of October and in the potent lunar eclipse and Full Moon of 8 November. This is a time to leap ahead with new beginnings, while carefully watching each and every step.
CANCER (21 Jun. – 20 Jul.). Your creativity is coming on strong this season, Cancer! You are also well-aware of putting this to good use in the society that surrounds you, although this idea is not without its caveats and holding back. You are feeling the urge to swing for the fences, and yet there is a fixity about what you are up to out in the world, an alignment for holding steady. As October ends, transformation is in the air, involving the key relationships in your life. With the 8 November lunar eclipse and New Moon all bets are off although something has got to give in the vital intensity of the moment.
LEO (21 Jul. – 21 Aug.). You are this season mulling over what you do, Leo, and what you create. Your worldview is a moving target and contributes to the plan. It is a time for careful progress as you thread the needle of many and varied choices, out in the world, and also within your own sequestered mind and heart. This intensifies at October’s end, as your mission statement continues to transform. The real fireworks for career and homelife, along with your partnership dynamic, come with the lunar eclipse and New Moon of 8 November, ringing in the collision of public and private, self and other, in a grand pattern of personal evolution.
VIRGO (21 Aug. – 21 Sept.). This is a season of outward progress and inner uncertainty, Virgo, as you recover from the recent retrograde of Mercury through your sign. The Scorpio New Moon of 25 October features Eris in Aries, calling for action on interior levels that will eventually translate into outer. You are deep-diving this season into matters of intimacy, personal transformation, and creative self-expression. You are also on a tremendous learning curve, seeking to better understand yourself and your world, along with your own sense of mission in helping your society evolve. This last is a factor which intensifies with the extremely potent Full Moon eclipse of 8 November.
LIBRA (22 Sept. – 22 Oct.) This is another season of big changes happening for you, Libra, in various areas of your life. This includes home and family versus outer world commitments, relationship wobbles or course corrections, and the evolution of your deep principles and values. Your commitment to your own form of creative self-expression is also changing and reflects all of these. Moments of intensity are from the 25 October eclipse and New Moon to the end of the month, then further climaxed by the powerful total lunar eclipse and Full Moon of 8 November. You are settling into yourself in an entirely new way, and are best off just going with it.
SCORPIO (23 Oct. – 21 Nov.). This is an amazing time period for you, Scorpio, with the New Moon in your sign coming early in the season, on 25 October, and with consequences for relationships together with home and family life. There are evolutionary shifts in your curiosity, learning, and worldview. You are beginning to see the spiritual pattern underlying your personal transitions and it benefits you greatly long-term. The potent lunar eclipse of 8 November will likely be climactic. You may find that a new day is dawning in your home situation due to revelatory relationship events or perhaps that new connections are limited by what is going on at home.
SAGITTARIUS (22 Nov. – 20 Dec.). This is another amazing season for you, Sagittarius. You are more tuned in than ever to your inner world, while investigating relationship patterns and exploring your creativity as foundation for personal evolution of a distinct kind. An introspective mode continues to stir you. Your sense of your mission statement in this life is taking on new dimensions over this time period, beginning with the 25 October New Moon eclipse, and culminating in the total lunar eclipse and Full Moon of 8 November. As you get set for an entirely new stage, your future partakes of developmental changes taking place deep within you, at your very core.
CAPRICORN (21 Dec. – 19 Jan.) This is another season of change for you, Capricorn, with transformational Pluto still highlighted. Like the preliminary butterfly, you might have felt your legs turning liquid beneath you and the imaginal cells starting to perk up in your grey matter. Your very architecture of identity is shifting, and your deep principles and values are a moving target. Inspiration comes to you with the New Moon of 25 October, while the subsequent Full Moon eclipse of 8 November might blow the roof off. You are going all out for glory in creating new realities, and yet some part of you want to say safe at home.
AQUARIUS (20 Jan. – 17 Feb.) This is a particularly amazing season for you, Aquarius, containing as it does two quite powerful eclipses. These will stretch you in unexpected ways and illuminate the manner in which you integrate inner realities with outer commitment. The Scorpio New Moon of 25 October presages a fresh start on career moves and on this integration of public and private concerns. Two weeks later on 8 November, the Taurus Full Moon and lunar eclipse lights up a storied collision of your key planets, Saturn and Uranus. The Trickster part of you is celebrating while the Manager in you is outraged and trying to find the exit.
PISCES (18 Feb. – 19 Mar.). This is an amazing season for curiosity and learning, Pisces, that feeds your instinct for adventures in Higher Mind. This ultimately influences your goals and your societal contribution. Things are somewhat up in the air, with the impulse to act and yet simultaneously to hold back from acting, and from going too far, too fast. Your inner intuitive process aides you in assessing a commitment to change that feels overwhelming. It is important to honor both outer calm and inner turmoil. With the Full Moon eclipse of 8 November that caps it all, you make a difficult entrance into a new stage of your existence.
Henry Seltzer, transformational astrologer and founder of AstroGraph Software, makers of TimePassages, is based in Santa Cruz, California. His book about Eris, the planet beyond Pluto only recently discovered and named, in 2006, is entitled: The Tenth Planet: Revelations from the Astrological Eris. His second book about new planets is entitled The Ephemeris of Trans-Neptunian KBO Planets.
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