fevereiro 19, 2025


Once the rush of festive season settles down, making time to reflect becomes a little easier. What’s in store for the year ahead? If you ask us, there’s no better place to gather your thoughts than in the warm, relaxing embrace of a perfectly drawn bath. Better still – make that a bathtub with an unforgettable view. At Four Seasons, the simple yet grounding experience of a bath gets elevated to new heights.

Look out onto Petite Anse bay from your hillside tub in the Seychelles, relax in a hand-hammered copper bathtub set among the treetops in the Golden Triangle, or sip champagne as you gaze out on a historic garden in Florence from your free-standing marble tub. Whatever your view of choice, the result is bound to be relaxation and clarity. These tubs will have you dreaming of your next stay with Four Seasons.

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